Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tonight's Happenings

So I am at wave 45 of the Fight caves. These new flasks are such a great help. I have more than half of the potions I brought in. Been watching Power Rangers Dino Thunder all night while akf training my other account. Got him up to 70 str and 61 def. My Hati Paws are almost done (only have 40% on them) so getting the 70 def that I want is going to take a bit. I am waiting for my pizza to finish in the oven then am getting back to the Fight Caves and get my fire cape. Then I have to make my Pokemon video... Long night. And I am doing all this with a migraine.

Gonna Kill Jad Tonight!

I logged on after school yesterday and saw that "Potion Flasks" were added in the game! This will make Jad so much easier. I bought 100 of them, that was 2m down the drain... But it was worth it. So the picture I posted yesterday is outdated, instead of potions, they are all flasks, so it's about the same, just more doses. I am going to record my journey through the Fight Caves and post it on YouTube, but sped up; pretty sure you all don't want to a two hour video. I will do the Jad fight at regular speed though.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Haven't been on in a while

Yeah, haven't really had much time to do this... Sorry. I have been pretty swamped with work. I did, however, get time to start a YouTube series last night. I am doing a Nuzlocke challenge of Pokemon Platinum Version. I was planning on doing both episodes yesterday, but passed out... I have all the gear I need to kill Jad tonight, might do it twice so I can get one Fire Cape to wear, and one to sacrifice to the Fight Kiln, whenever it comes out this month... Really scared to do it. One Jad is bad enough, if this new boss is worse than two Jad's... Yeah. Well here is my gear for Jad.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Totally forgot...

I totally forgot to post last night o.O
Anyway, at school now; not doing too much. It is Digital Learning Day and am on Twitter my whole first class. I saw that the armour graphical updates happened yesterday, but am really disappointed that Armadyl and Dragon didn't get the update yet. Hopefully next week or so... New Aramdyl just looks beast. I am also fond of the new Taverly. I wish that there was a weapon update to go with the armour, because the Dragon Scimitar doesn't really look to good with the new Dragon Armour. BUT!... I have three days left to wait until my bank pin is re-set, good thing I got Dragon Age in the mail last night!!!!! *excited*